Do You Need A Bookkeeper?


Are you still handling your business’ bookkeeping with a spreadsheet and a shoebox? Do you find yourself frustrated and stressed at tax time? Does your accountant typically ask questions about your books that you don’t know the answers to? If this sounds like you, read on…

Bookkeeping is the act of recording, categorizing and reconciling all financial transactions. Every business must account for all expenses incurred and revenue generated. Keeping expert documentation of these transactions enables business owners to see where they are spending and making money.

When the data in your books is accurate and complete you can use it to create Financial Statements that aid you in:

  • Analyzing the health of your business
  • Making informed financial decisions
  • Determining where expenses can be reduced
  • Determining when to begin scaling your business
  • Identifying legitimate tax deductions
  • Simplifying loan application processes

Access to this information is crucial to your business’ success and it all starts with accurate bookkeeping. If you can’t pull your financial statements every month and know the information displayed is complete and exact you are putting the financial health of your business at risk.

A good bookkeeper will not only keep your books up to date, but they will also deliver monthly reports and help you analyze the data to determine how your business is performing and where there is room for improvement. You know the old saying, “What is not measured cannot be improved”.

So, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I have the expertise to keep my books up to date and accurate?
  • Do I have the time to keep my books up to date and accurate?
  • Am I confident in the reports I generate?
  • Is bookkeeping the best use of my specific area of genius in my business?

If the answer to any of these questions is “no” then you really should consider hiring a bookkeeper. Technology has made remote bookkeeping very appealing as you avoid the time and costs of hiring an employee. A remote bookkeeper can deliver concise books, timely monthly reporting, and a neat and tidy end-of-year tax package to your CPA.

If you’re ready to see how hiring a remote bookkeeper can benefit you and the growth of your business, get in touch today. What are you waiting for?

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